👋 Hi, my name is

Ujjwal Kirti.

I build things for the web.🌐

My apps are generally made using Next.js, Firebase, Express, MongoDB, React.js, and Redux.
And, I am learning Machine learning these days (inspired by george hotz).

Let's connect!
Ujjwal Kirti's image

01. About Me

Hello! My name is Ujjwal and I enjoy creating things that live on the internet. I recently stumbled across the youtube channel called george hotz archive where his streams are uploaded.
I became fascinated by his approach and have decided to deep dive into world of ML using Tinygrad (ML Library).

My Educational Background:

  • Latest Education: Graduate
  • Degree: Bachelors of Technology
  • Major: Civil Engineering
  • Institute: National Institute of Technology, Surat (SVNIT) link
  • Duration: 2019-2023
  • JavaScript (ES6+)

  • Python

  • React, Next.js

  • Firebase

  • Tailwind CSS

  • Express

02. Some Things I've Built

Featured Project

Grocery Delivery Application

An ecommerce application for grocery delivery right to your doorstep.

Next.js (app router)TypeScriptShadcn/uiZustandMongoDBRazorpaynext-authRender

Featured Project

MMNCT Website

The website was used to display real time live scores, video streaming of the match, take polls on outcome of matches, make announcements, host contests, attract sponsorship as well as display fixtures and points table which updated dynamically.

Next.jsTailwind CSSFirebaseVercel

Featured Project

LAC Website

The Literary Affairs Committee web application was developed using Next.js in Typescript and styled with Tailwind CSS. The website used Firebase as the database, which allowed for efficient development and real-time synchronization. The website included an admin panel for content and user management and was deployed on Vercel, resulting in an excellent user experience.

Next.jsTailwind CSSFirebaseVercelReact Hook Forms

Other Noteworthy Projects

view the archive

Scalable Realtime Chat App

Developed a full-stack chat application using Next.js for the frontend and Node.js for the backend,following the MVC design pattern.


Reddit Clone

Reddit 2.0, made using Next.js, TypeScript and backed by graphql.

Next.jsTailwind CSSSupabaseStepZenGraphqlVercel

Pomodoro Timer (Based on Harry Potter Movies)

A Pomodoro timer to help you concentrate on your work, with an integrated todo list to keep track of your progress. It comes with theme based on Harry Potter movies, so that all Potterheads out there feel at home!

ReactjsFirebaseReact-iconsContext APIs

03. What's Next?

Get In Touch

I’m currently looking for any new opportunities and my inbox is always open. Whether you want to consider for a position at your organisation or just want to say hi, I’ll try my best to get back to you!

Say Hello!

Above page is based on the portfolio page designed by Brittany Chiang for her own use.

But I thought of replicating the same, and I have developed it from scratch based on her design.